04 May, 2007


So today instead of working, I re-organized my parents' spare room, which was once my childhood bedroom. Long gone are the days of hot pink walls and Nirvana posters, "Monet" bedspreads and drippy candles... When I graduated from college, I helped them pick a cool cucumber green for the walls, and a very nice sofa bed (which I am enjoying right now!). They have gradually moved some of their Scandinavian furniture into the room, including a chest of drawers I purchased but might take back. But the room has also become a secondary junk pile for my father (aside from his office, in which we do not set foot unless absolutely necessary), and I was tired of living amongst the boxes, so I decided to move them. During the course of a few hours, I stacked approximately 30 full slide carousels, and literally HUNDREDS of boxes of slides from their travels. I also uncovered several boxes of newspapers dating back to the 1990's (my dad claims he will read these one day), and a large bag full of the old, obsolete kind of floppy disks. There are still about 8 boxes that I am not even going to attempt, but those are now neatly piled in a corner, out of the way. I also re-shelved miscellaneous travel guides and maps, and chose a few nice things to display, like this model ship from my uncle's Navy career, these old books from my grandma's house, and this pair of scissors from my great-grandfather's tailor shop (they're huge!). You can also see some yak (I think?) hair from one of my dad's expeditions.

1 comment:

MylesNye said...

Another good way to procrastinate is to comment on you friend's blog instead of preparing for your game on Monday...