01 February, 2009

Playing House

I found these two tin dollhouses at Alameda Point today and they really appealed to me for some reason. I love the printed wallpapers, flooring, and decor.

So I took a look on Ebay to see if I could find more, and guess what? There are lots! It turns out that they were made in many different styles, from the two-story colonial

to the modern ranch,

the Cape Cod,

or even a one-bedroom bungalow!

They came with the plastic furniture I posted about a while back. I am absolutely in love with the interiors of these houses!

I mean, look at this living room!

Some of them had rooftop patios.

And look, you could even have a detached garage (one car, or two)!

Or, a doghouse (this one is for Snappy the Miracle Dog).

I know I'm a grown up, but I totally want one of these. If you're looking, go on over to Ebay and search for "tin dollhouse." Almost all of these were made by the Marx company, who made lots of amazing tin litho toys, but the Ideal and Renewal companies also made this kind of house.


Annie Pazoo said...

I remember these so well, and the tinny sound they would make if you bumped them, or pressed in (and then released) the roof! I've never seen the ranch style, tho. Quite fab!

freshpinkstyle said...

I like the modern ranch one too! I've also got the dollhouse love. I just don't have the space to justify one. You should get one!

Leah Giberson said...

oh man, I want that ranch!

I missed your post on the furniture (will have to dig it up), but I've seen some incredible mid-century modern dollhouse furniture on etsy that would fit just perfectly. I could become obsessed if only I had the space in my own home.

Maybe I should do a series of paintings of these.

katy elliott said...

Wow I didn't realize they were such a thing. Pretty cool.