01 November, 2007

Topiaries Revisited

You may recall my fixation with topiaries a few months back. My many posts on the topic seemed to satisfy me, but when I drove by this garden today, I couldn't resist taking a pic. It was impossible to fit all the shrubs into one frame, but let me tell you that they continue to the left, and wrap around the side of the house as well.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have continued in this vein, Hannah! Your topiary posts are among my favorites and I will always clamor for more. There's a pom-pom I walk by in the mornings on my way to LeTip and I always think of you. I also think, "Why am I up so early and wearing this suit?" -M.

Piper said...

Hannah! I've been telling you about these forever! I'm so glad you snapped a pic of them. This house sold not too long ago and I was very concerned for the well being of the topiary garden, but I am happy to report that as you can see here, all is well! It makes me miss being home!

JKaye said...

Hi Hannah. I just discovered your comments about topiaries on the Retro Renovation site. So glad to have discovered your wonderful site and these great photos of topiaries. I have no topiaries, but recently told my husband I would like to learn how to make one out of a taxus or boxwood, just for fun. He said I was nuts. Just for that, I said I wanted to make a squirrel. I think this will become my new project. Thank you again for your work on this photo series!

Enid Verdant said...

My darling husband calls these "geometrees"

What use is a garden without a folly or three? I love the pics, and the commentary.